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Aantal resultaten: 9( DE:"genderfluïde identiteit" )


Een genderidentiteit buiten man of vrouw : Transgenderemancipatie in Nederland rond de eeuwwisseling  / Marc van Velzen.

Historica, 45 (2022) 2, p. 42-47
bron: Historica jaargang: 45 (2022) 2 , p. 42-47
samenvatting: In 1981 klopt een transgender vrouw aan bij de Nederlandse Genderstichting. Deze organisatie, opgericht in de jaren zeventig, geeft medische en maatschappelijke hulp aan transgender personen. De wens van deze anonieme vrouw, die zich voorstelt met de initialen Y.S., is ongebruikelijk in de ogen van medische specialisten. In plaats van een volledige transitie bestaande uit zowel hormoontherapie als een geslachtsoperatie wenst zij louter het gebruik van vrouwelijke hormonen. In de ogen van de endocrinologen en artsen is dit onwenselijk en daarom wijzen ze dit verzoek af. De vrouw gaat in bezwaar en schrijft een boze brief naar de Landelijke Werkgroep Travestie en Transsexualiteit, de Nederlandse zelfhulpgroep voor mensen met genderdysforie. In haar brief betreurt ze dat haar zelfkennis en die van andere transmensen niet serieus wordt genomen. "Tenslotte is het ons lichaam!" eindigt ze. Zij is een van de weinigen die deze gedachten op papier zet en naar de werkgroep verstuurt. Het duurt tot de eeuwwisseling tot dit geluid groeit. Het idee dat gender uit een breed spectrum bestaat en meer omhelst dan man of vrouw wordt rond 2000 steeds meer geuit.

signatuur: ts.

Een genderidentiteit buiten man of vrouw : Transgenderemancipatie in Nederland rond de eeuwwisseling
Marc van Velzen.

Before We Were Trans : A New History of Gender  / 

Kit Heyam.London: Basic Books, 2022 - viii, 342 p.
uitgave: London: Basic Books, 2022 - viii, 342 p.
samenvatting: Across the world today, people of all ages are doing fascinating, creative, messy things with gender. These people have a rich history - but one that is often left behind by narratives of trans lives that focus on people with stable, binary, uncomplicated gender identities. As a result, these stories tend to be recent, binary, stereotyped, medicalised and white. 'Before We Were Trans' is a new and different story of gender, that seeks not to be comprehensive or definitive, but - by blending culture, feminism and politics - to widen the scope of what we think of as trans history by telling the stories of people across the globe whose experience of gender has been transgressive, or not characterised by stability or binary categories. Transporting us from Renaissance Venice to seventeenth-century Angola, from Edo Japan to North America, the stories this book tells leave questions and resist conclusions. They are fraught with ambiguity, and defy modern Western terminology and categories - not least the category of 'trans' itself. But telling them provides a history that reflects the richness of modern trans reality more closely than any previously written. 'Before We Were Trans' is a history and celebration of gender in all its fluidity, ambiguity and complexity.

signatuur: cat. (heyam/bef) b


Before We Were Trans : A New History of Gender
cat. (heyam/bef) b ODE3
Kit Heyam.

Gender pioneers : a celebration of transgender, non-binary and intersex icons  / 

Philippa Punchard ; illustrated by Philippa Punchard ; foreword by Christine Burns, MBE.London: Kingsley, 2022 - 116 p.: ill.
uitgave: London: Kingsley, 2022 - 116 p.: ill.
samenvatting: This inspiring collection of illustrated portraits celebrates the lives of influential transgender, non-binary and intersex figures both past and present. Showcasing the diversity of gender identities and expressions that have existed in all cultures throughout history alongside developments from recent years, the extraordinary stories in this book highlight the achievements and legacies of those who have fought to be themselves, whatever their gender. From activists, soldiers and historical leaders through to musicians, actors and global superstars, this book explores the life and times of over a hundred trans and intersex trailblazers in their fight for equality, acceptance and change. Poignant, educational and empowering, these are the gender pioneers everyone needs to know about.

signatuur: cat. (punch/gen) b


Gender pioneers : a celebration of transgender, non-binary and intersex icons
cat. (punch/gen) b ODE3 NASLAG
Philippa Punchard ; illustrated by Philippa Punchard ; foreword by Christine Burns, MBE.

The Sex of the Self and Its Ambiguities, 1899-1964  / Geertje Mak.

samenvatting: The conceptualization of a psychological gendered self as independent from sexual preferences or physical sex is relatively new. Since Robert Stoller coined the concept "core gender identity" in 1964, the idea of an irreversible deep psychological identification with either sex has become increasingly accepted as the basis for "gender-affirmative treatment" in the West. This chapter traces the roots of medical, psychiatric, and psychological conceptualizations of such a "sex of the self" before this seminal moment, concentrating on the scientific practices and methods by which such a "sex of the self" was established. The deliberately alienating expression "sex of the self" brings together distinct historical concepts under one umbrella, without equaling them too easily with "gender identity" as we currently understand it in the West. This chapter concentrates on the period between the moment in which one of the founders of sexology, Magnus Hirschfeld, coined the sexological concept of "transvestite" in 1910 until Robert Stoller in 1964 famously conceptualized the notion of "(core) gender identity" in cases of transsexualism. It brings together the history of three different disciplines in relation to the "sex of the self": the history of sexology and sexual 'deviancy," the history of medicine with regard to sex, and the history of psychology with regard to femininity and masculinity or "gender." It examines this historiography with a particular interest in the question of how medical doctors, psychiatrists, sexologists, and psychologists have attempted to assess psychological sex or a "sex of the self." The work of Magnus Hirschfeld will serve as a point of departure for analyzing three inherent ambiguities that permeated scientific knowledge practices pertaining to the sex of the self: subject and object, body and psyche, and fluidity and binaryness. Each of these sections will be introduced by a short general description of the historiography.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (mak-g/sex)

The Sex of the Self and Its Ambiguities, 1899-1964
dgb artikelen (mak-g/sex)
Geertje Mak.
In : The Palgrave Handbook of the History of Human Sciences / ed.D. McCallum. - Singapore : Springer Nature, 2021. - p.1-31

Worden wie je bent  / Inge ter Schure.

VPRO Gids 07-05-2022
bron: VPRO Gids 07-05-2022
samenvatting: Recensie van de Canadese serie Sort Of, gemaakt door Bilal Baig (Acha Bacha) en Fab Fillippo (Save Me). Sabi Mehboob, een genderfluïde millennial en het jongste kind in een groot Pakistaans gezin, voelt dat diens leven op het punt staat te veranderen.

signatuur: knipsel (rtv)

Worden wie je bent
knipsel (rtv)
Inge ter Schure.

Being between binary: Personal narratives and power geometry: A visual essay  / Kate Carruthers Thomas.

Sexualities, 26 (2023) 1-2 (jan-feb), p. 54-67
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 26 (2023) 1-2 (jan-feb), p. 54-67
samenvatting: Being Between Binary is a visual critical auto-ethnography, combining collage, cartoon, narrative and photomontage in the form of a four-page A2 scrapbook. Conceptually and materially, the design combines map and memoir, placing Massey's concept of power geometry into dialogue with personal experiences of sexuality and gender. The piece explores binaries and geographies of here/there, Global North/South, through a lens of borderlands, boundaries and crossings, modelling dissemination as a fluid space of continuing enquiry. This visual essay first contextualizes the making of the piece as creative fieldwork, matching 'a synthesis of shattered fragments', and then presents images of the work with brief commentary.

signatuur: ts.

Being between binary: Personal narratives and power geometry: A visual essay
Kate Carruthers Thomas.

Nicole Eisenman and the Moderns : Heads, Kisses, Battles  / 

Nicole Eisenman; Katharina Ammann (eds.) ...[et al].Keulen: Snoeck, 2021 - 159 p.: ill.
uitgave: Keulen: Snoeck, 2021 - 159 p.: ill.
annotatie: This exposition was exhibited in Kunsthalle Bielefeld (10.02.2021-01.09.2022), Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau (01.29.-04.24.2022), Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles (05.21.-10.23.2022), Kunstmuseum Den Haag, The Hague (11.12.2022-02.12.2023)
samenvatting: The publication Heads, kisses, battles. Nicole Eisenman and the Moderns accompanies the exhibition tour realized by the Aargauer Kunsthaus in cooperation with three European partner institutions, the Kunsthalle Bielefeld (D), the Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles (F) and the Kunstmuseum Den Haag (NL). In close exchange with Nicole Eisenman (*1965 in Verdun/F, lives in New York/USA), an unusual and unique project was conceived in which Eisenman's ?uvre enters into a dialogue with works from the modern era. The latter come from the collections of the participating institutions. In addition to numerous illustrations of Eisenman's works and historical positions, the publication contains an introduction to the exhibition project, a roundtable discussion on the exhibition concept with Bice Curiger, Daniel Koep, Kolja Reichert and Beate Söntgen, and an essay by Christina Végh on Nicole Eisenman's work. In the form of a glossary, various terms are discussed in relation to Eisenman's work, but also in a more general art historical context. Finally, the contributions on the respective collection holdings and the short comments on individual modernist artists serve to contextualize the selected historical works from the participating museums.

signatuur: cat. (eisen/nic) bb

Nicole Eisenman and the Moderns : Heads, Kisses, Battles
cat. (eisen/nic) bb
Nicole Eisenman; Katharina Ammann (eds.) ...[et al].

In Indonesia, being LGBTQ is viewed as 'un-Indonesian and a Western import'. Saskia Wieringa wants to change that  / Johannes Nugroho.

South China Morning Post 11-11-2023
bron: South China Morning Post 11-11-2023
samenvatting: Most Indonesians view the LGBT identity as 'un-Indonesian and a Western import', and about half of the country says they don't deserve respect as human beings. But, anthropologist and sexual rights specialist Saskia Wieringa said that gender fluidity was present in different indigenous societies throughout Indonesia.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (nugro/in)

In Indonesia, being LGBTQ is viewed as 'un-Indonesian and a Western import'. Saskia Wieringa wants to change that
dgb artikelen (nugro/in)
Johannes Nugroho.
South China Morning Post

Button Genderfluïde vlag

2022. - M02290
beschrijving: Button met 6 horizontale strepen in de kleuren van boven naar beneden: roze, wit, paars, zwart, blauw Als je genderfluïde bent, dan betekent dit dat jouw genderidentiteit verandert in de loop van tijd. Genderfluïde betekent dan ook letterlijk ‘vloeibare gender’. Als je een genderfluïde persoon bent, dan kun je je op ieder moment identificeren als een specifiek gender of een combinatie hiervan. De vlag heeft 5 kleuren: roze staat voor vrouwelijkheid, wit staat voor het gebrek aan gender, paars staat voor de combinatie van mannelijkheid en vrouwelijkheid, zwart vertegenwoordigd alle genders inclusief derde gender, blauw staat voor mannelijkheid.
trefwoord: zaanpride - zaanstreek - vos, frank - vlaggen - stichting de zaanse regenboog
organisatie: Stichting De Zaanse Regenboog
formaat/maat Doorsnee: 3,8
land: nederland

Button Genderfluïde vlag


( DE:"genderfluïde identiteit" )

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